Botox & Fillers

Questions and Answers

BOTOX® is a purified protein that relaxes the muscles under the skin. It is overactive muscle contraction, combined with age-related loss of collagen under the skin that causes the wrinkling effect. By forcing the muscle to relax in a certain area, the wrinkling disappears or at least improves significantly. Since it acts by relaxing muscles, it is more effective for the treatment of “dynamic” wrinkles (those that appear while using facial muscles, such as smiling or frowning) than on “static” wrinkles, which are there all the time.

What is a BOTOX® procedure like?

It is a simple 10-minute treatment consisting of a few injections through a very fine needle. The location is of course dependent on the area the patient wants treated.

Is it painful?

No. The only sensation is a small pinprick similar to a mosquito bite.

Is it safe?

Absolutely. The effects of BOTOX® are limited to the site of injection, and it does not travel to other parts of the body. One of the most common concerns we hear is “Isn’t it a toxin?” Technically speaking, it is. But it is highly purified and diluted. The dose we use is 1 millionth the dose needed to make you sick.

Will I need anesthesia?

No. If you are very sensitive to pain, we can ice the area first, or put an anesthetic cream on 20-30 minutes before the procedure.

Do I need to take time off from work?

Most patients go right back to work or continue their activities immediately after the procedure.

Which areas can be treated?

The most common areas are periorbital (crow’s feet at the sides of the eyes), glabella (lines above the nose and between the eyebrows) and frontal (forehead). We can also do a “BOTOX® brow-lift” which can effectively create a gentle arch above the eyebrows. Botox can also be used to raise the corners of the mouth and open up the eyelids.

How soon will I see results?

Usually within a few days, although in some people it can take up to a week.

How long will the effect last?

Typically up to 4 months. In our experience, patients that have had prior BOTOX® treatments tend to get longer-lasting results with each progressive injection.

Will there be any side-effects?

It is unlikely that you will develop any significant side effects, but you may notice a slight bruising where the BOTOX® was injected. This is only temporary and can be covered by makeup. the most significant side effect to be aware of is eyelid droop, which can be bothersome and can last several weeks. Fortunately, this is a very rare occurrence. Other very rare side effects are headaches, respiratory infection, flu syndrome and nausea.

Will my facial expression look unnatural?

Although the results can be dramatic, it will not radically change or facial appearance. The muscles are simply relaxed, you can still frown, smile, or look surprised without the wrinkles or creases that were there before.

How can I get more information?

Contact us and request a free consultation. You can also visit the manufacturer’s website at