Breast Augmentation


Breast augmentation enhances the symmetry, size, and overall aesthetic appeal of the breasts through the surgical insertion and precise placement of silicone or saline breast implants.
At Swan Cosmetic Surgery, during the consultation we will discuss your goals and how to achieve them.

There is a lot of information you need to know before undergoing breast augmentation and Dr. Gharakhani wants you to be completely informed about the procedure. That is why consultations are so important to the breast augmentation process. After helping you to select the optimal implants and choosing the appropriate incision and placement options, Dr. Gharakhani will create a custom-tailored treatment plan designed to safely fulfill your aesthetic goals to complement your physique.

Implant placement

Breast implant placement can significantly impact your breast augmentation results and the overall profile of your upper torso.
Breast implants can be placed sub-muscularly, which means in a breast pocket created below the pectoral muscle, or subglandularly, which means in front of the pectoral muscle, right behind the breast tissue. The invasiveness of the procedure is likely to differ in both cases.
• Submuscular placement—underneath the chest muscle
• Sub-glandular (a.k.a. submammary) placement—between the chest muscle and breast tissue

Incision placement

The most common incision used by Dr. Gharakhani is the Periareolar approach. Only on selected cases is the Inframammary approach used.

• Periareolar (incision encircles the lower half of the areola)
• Inframammary (incision is made just below the curve of the breast)

During your consultation we will obtain a medical history and individualize a surgical plan that is customized for you.